Produced by young designer Sergio Sartorelli, the Fiat 126 was introduced at the 1972 Turin Auto Show to replace the Fiat 500.
It was designed to be an affordable car for the average family and Fiat sacrificed all the luxuries and features they could to make it affordable.
It was not unusual to see cars with roof racks to try to get around the issue of transporting volumes that did not fit in the front trunk of the car.
The original version had a 594-cc engine with a 4-speed gearbox. By the end of 1977, the engine’s capacity was increased from 594 to 652 cc.
It was produced from 1973 until 1991 in Western Europe.
In Poland, where it was known as Polski Fiat 126p, it continued in the market until 2000.
A total number of 5.6 million units of the model were produced.